
From Lootbox RPG Wiki


Creature Type: Undead

XP Value: 100

Level: 12

Health: 100

Offense: 10

Defense: 10

Armor Class: 6

Base Damage: 10

Random Damage: 10

Special Attack: Drain, Chance: 100%

Loot Table

  • Bihänder (2%)
  • Chainmail (2%)
  • Crypt Key (100%)
  • Elder vampiric essence (1%) (Only in Hardmode)
  • Golden Ring (2%)
  • Grinder Potion (2%)
  • Leather Cape (2%)
  • Leather Gloves (2%)
  • Ring of Protection (2%)
  • Scimitar of the Vampire (15%)
  • Shortbow (2%)
  • Silver Ring (2%)
  • Treeroot Potion (2%)
  • Vampiric Essence (1%)
  • Wooden Shield (2%)
  • Release

    Available in all game versions.