Skeleton Hound

From Lootbox RPG Wiki


Creature Type: Undead

XP Value: 20

Level: 4

Health: 20

Offense: 4

Defense: 4

Armor Class: 4

Base Damage: 8

Random Damage: 8

Loot Table

  • Antidote (2%)
  • Buckler (2%)
  • Cape (2%)
  • Chlorophyll Potion (2%)
  • Crown of Fools (5%) (Only in Hardmode)
  • Gloves (2%)
  • Gold Key (2%)
  • Greater Healing Potion (2%)
  • Greater Stamina Potion (2%)
  • Leather Armor (2%)
  • Leather Boots (2%)
  • Potion of Defense (1%)
  • Rotten Meat (75%) (Only with Metallurgy skill)
  • Skeleton Blade (1%)
  • Release

    Available in all game versions.