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Category:Recipe Items
From Lootbox RPG Wiki
Pages in category "Recipe Items"
The following 76 pages are in this category, out of 76 total.
- Recipe: Antidote
- Recipe: Banana Shake
- Recipe: Chain Gloves
- Recipe: Copper Buckler
- Recipe: Copper Helmet
- Recipe: Crafted Bihänder
- Recipe: Crafted Broadsword
- Recipe: Crafted Chainmail
- Recipe: Crafted Club
- Recipe: Crafted Composite Bow
- Recipe: Crafted Dagger
- Recipe: Crafted Flail
- Recipe: Crafted Greatsword
- Recipe: Crafted Leather Armor
- Recipe: Crafted Longsword
- Recipe: Crafted Plate Mail
- Recipe: Crafted Scimitar
- Recipe: Crafted Short Sword
- Recipe: Crossbow
- Recipe: Dragonmail
- Recipe: Dwarven Club
- Recipe: Dwarven Helmet
- Recipe: Dwarven Sword
- Recipe: Explosive Powder
- Recipe: Fairy Cape
- Recipe: Fairy Token
- Recipe: Fiery Edge
- Recipe: Figshake
- Recipe: Fishing Rod
- Recipe: Fur Cape
- Recipe: Gloves
- Recipe: Grinder Potion
- Recipe: Helmet
- Recipe: Journeyman Runeboard
- Recipe: Leather Cape
- Recipe: Leather Gloves
- Recipe: Light Solvent
- Recipe: Longsword of Poison
- Recipe: Mage's Flame
- Recipe: Magic Lantern
- Recipe: Magic Oil
- Recipe: Mark of Cleverness I
- Recipe: Meal
- Recipe: Medium Solvent
- Recipe: Plate Boots
- Recipe: Plate Gloves
- Recipe: Rags
- Recipe: Reinforced Buckler
- Recipe: Reinforced Leather Boots
- Recipe: Reinforced Leather Gloves
- Recipe: Reinforced Longbow
- Recipe: Reinforced Shortbow
- Recipe: Ring of authority
- Recipe: Ring of Refreshment
- Recipe: Ring of the Treant
- Recipe: Rotten Boots
- Recipe: Rotten Cape
- Recipe: Rotten Gloves
- Recipe: Rotten Helmet
- Recipe: Rotten Meat
- Recipe: Rotten Plate
- Recipe: Satchel
- Recipe: Shovel
- Recipe: Spiked Club
- Recipe: Staff of Return
- Recipe: Stripes
- Recipe: Strong Solvent
- Recipe: Thread
- Recipe: Torch
- Recipe: Wasp nest
- Recipe: Woodland Boots
- Recipe: Woodland Gloves
- Recipe: Woodland Helmet
- Recipe: Woodland Plate
- Recipe: Woolen Cape
- Recipe: Wulbark