Evil Trader

From Lootbox RPG Wiki
Revision as of 12:37, 9 March 2024 by en>lbwikiadmin
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Creature Type: Human

XP Value: 450

Level: 42

Health: 300

Offense: 40

Defense: 35

Armor Class: 25

Base Damage: 40

Random Damage: 25

Special Attack: Drain, Chance: 75%

Loot Table

  • Battle Healing Potion (5%)
  • Gold Rune (1%)
  • Scroll of the Merchant (25%)
  • Scroll of the Vault (5%)
  • Scroll of the seer (15%)
  • Silver Key (5%)
  • Superior Stamina Potion (5%)
  • Release

    Available in all game versions.